
MAMCO’s collection lies at the very center of the strategy developed by the director since 2016, which is to consider it as both origin and the destination of all exhibitions. It is also become the focus of museum’s politics of internationalization.

More than 300 works entered MAMCO's collection in 2023, either completing or stabilizing existing corpus (General Idea, Adel Abdessemed), filling important gaps (Haim Steinbach, Betty Woodman), and exploring new directions (Silvia Kolbowski, Shizuko Yoshikawa). Donations by artists and Estates (Marcia Hafif, Klara Kuchta) as well as collectors (Louis Cane, Verena Loewensberg, Steven Parrino, Avery Singer) mirror these developments.

Additionally, the year was marked by two other importants donations: by Hal and Mary Ann Glicksman, first, which allows MAMCO to register activities of the Californian art scene of the 1960s-1970s, enriching its collection by works by Sol LeWitt, Guy de Cointet, Wallace German, and George Herms, among others; and a second donation (after the one in 2022) by Dieter Schwarz to our Concrete Poetry Fonds. 

For the development of its collection, MAMCO benefits from the support of its friend’s association, private donors, and donations. When you become a Friend of MAMCO, you contribute to it as well. 


Discover our films presenting artworks from the collection, produced in partnership with the company Artmyn. The unique digitization technology developed by ARTMYN allows to generate interactive images and immersive videos that take you to the heart of the works, share the emotion of gesture and material and discover the secrets of the greatest artists.

Marcia Hafif, 189. (To Chloe, Who Wished Herself Young Enough for Me), 1968

Miriam Cahn, Sans titre, (13 + 14 + 18.07.2003)

Richard Pettibone, After Roy Lichtenstein (Sock, 1962), 1965

Richard Paul Lohse, Vier und fünf, Farbgrüppen mit hellem Zentrum, 1952-1964

Jean-Frédéric Schnyder, Sans titre (BF), 1984

Karel Appel (1921-2006), Oiseau au-dessus de la mer noire, 1958

Helen Frankenthaler (1928-2011), Passport, 1953

General Idea (1969-1994), Copyright (Blue) # 3, 1987


With the project In Course of Acquisition, MAMCO proceeds, during artgenève 5-day fair, to in situ acquisitions. Its booth thus opens completely empty and is filled day after day as works bought at the fair are brought together. This project is made possible by the Friends Association of MAMCO, an anonymous donor, and Mirabaud & Cie. Between 2017 and 2024, almost 40 works by artists such as Richard Artschwager, Irma Blank, Larry Johnson, Louise Lawler, David Medalla, Walter Robinson, Hassan Sharif, Haim Steinbach, Julia Scher, Robert Smithson, or Heimo Zobernig, thus joined the museum’s collection.

FONDATION MAMCOÉtat de GenèveVille de GenèveJTIFondation LeenaardsFondation genevoise de bienfaisance Valeria Rossi di Montelera