Wortbilder–Wordworks, 1957–1958
The Wortbilder is a series of 64 drawings made by Franz Erhard Walther (1939, Germany) while he was attending the Städelschule [art academy] in Frankfurt in 1957–1958. The artist claims that he made this work to avoid having to take a calligraphy class. However, while these gouaches on board clearly show technical mastery of the graphic features, the inscriptions they bear suggest associations of ideas, and already hint at concerns with the foundations of his work as an artist. These early works on paper were presented on the fourth floor, as a complete set for the first time. They were set in a dialogue with three subsequent canvas sculptures that played on the interaction with the body and space. The exhibition aimed to explore not only the value of representation, but also the ability of a language, either verbal or corporeal, to construct space.